Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What Works For Me Wednesday

My Bible Study Table...

Here's what works for me (so far):

  1. My Bible. I love the ESV translation, but I also keep an NIV and The Message nearby for comparison. 
  2. A Pen. I am one of those people who can.not. write in my Bible so I always keep notes in (see 4.)
  3. The current study I'm working on: Cultivating Contentment by Luci Swindoll 
  4. My big note book lives at the study table. I use a 5 subject-notebook with a system similar to the one Courtney at Women Living Well shared. (check out her site today for a great Bible reading e-resource for free!). I am using it to record my answers to my study each day. I think better when I write. That's just how I roll :p 
  5. The Power of  Praying Wife by Stormie Omartin. I've written about this book before. I think God has really used this book as the inspiration for prayer that He has answered over the last two years, changing my heart towards my husband and the way i pray for others. I heart this book. (Don't worry - not more than I heart the Bible :p). I pray through one of the prayers in this book for Awesome each day). 
  6. The Daily Reading Bible: Volume One - I am reading this concurrently with some others in my church and finding it a great resource. It deserves to be studied on its own really. Maybe it will become my number 3 when I finish that one... right now I'm just reading through to keep up with the others. 
  7. My gratitude journal. Just a simple notebook where I just number the next line as I go and pour out some gratitude. God is so good. There is never a day where there is nothing to be grateful for, even though its hard to find things some times. 
  8. It's hard to see, but this tiny pocket calendar has room for some sticky dots I bought at the $2 shop to be tucked in the cover. I pop a dot on each day I complete my quiet time. It helps me stay on track. I'm a dangling carrot kinda gal sometimes... 
  9. I pull my diary out of my handbag after my quiet time, and sync my wall calendar, online calendar and diary before the day begins (yes, I need all three!)
  10. (not shown) I have started carrying a notebook in my handbag... its important. More on that one tomorrow ;) 

I had all this stuff at home. Including the pretty box for the pens and stickers. But before the pretty box was a plain cardboard one. That's ok too. You don't need to spend a fortune to get started. Just use what you have and what works!

It works for me. What works for you?


  1. I love this. Thanks for sharing. I have a basket next to the bed for all my devotional things... but I think it needs a pretty up and remove all the baby books etc that have migrated in there and get it just back to God and me!
    Thanks again, a good motivation to get my things together and start fresh in 2012.

  2. What wonderful suggestions! A bible study time starts my whole day out right. Your economical approach is not only fun, but do-able! This world would be a different place is everyone started their days by giving the Lord a few minutes of their time! and I especially like the suggestion of a 'gratitude journal'. Perfect! Thank you for sharing on NOBH!

  3. I love the idea of having everything in one box. GENIUS! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love this! It is so funny that I came across this post. I have been thinking of ways to get organized. I feel like I have so many "good ideas" laying around, but need to get things in order.
