Sunday, September 26, 2010

Super Easy Cheater's Sugar-Free Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni

I left the generous gift of spinach that a friend gave me at their house, but still wanted to go ahead and make this!

2 cubes frozen spinach - reheated according to packet directions
1 small tub of smooth ricotta cheese
Cannelloni tubes to fit your small baking dish
Homemade sugar free tomato sauce (recipe to come)
Parmesan cheese

Mix the ricotta and spinach together in a small bowl
Use a small zip-lock bag with the corner cut out to make a piping bag. Fill with spinach mixture and pipe into tubes, laying them flat in your dish when each is done.
Cover with tomato sauce
Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and pop in over until pasta is cooked through (depends on size of dish - around 35-40 is a good guide) on 200 degrees C.

Enjoy some now, some for dinner and some in the freezer for later :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ACTION PLAN Steps 1 and 2

Ok, I am being brave and I am putting everything out on the line! Here is step one in my ACTION PLAN.

1. Know Your Goal

Know what it is you are setting out to achieve. Write down your goals, and show them to someone else. Its important not to hide what you are trying to achieve.

SMART Goals are much more easily achieved. For more info on SMART goals download this document

2. Set a starting point. 
You need to know where you have come from and where you would like to be. 

Below are my stats from the 12 week fitness program I am part of. This is the initial stats. 

(I don't remember turning 27 yet. ... I think I am only 26 still... but its only a couple of weeks regardless.)

Ok, so there are steps 1 and 2. Have a go at setting your steps, share them in the comments section below or post a link to your own blog. 

Age: 27
Height: 172

Overall Loss
Body Fat %


Right Bicep

Left Bicep




Right Thigh

Left Thigh

Fitness Scores
Overall Improvement
Step ups

Push Ups

Sit ups

6 min shuttle run

7 Phase Plank

Tuesday, September 14, 2010



I apologise for my absentness over the last week - I sprained my back and sadly blogging fell off the list of things I wanted to do!

BUT - I will be back in the next 24 hours to get back on track with our ACTION PLANS!!

Stay Tuned!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Time for Action!

Well, Spring is here and its time for me to get serious about looking after myself. 

I've spent a year and a half being quite lazy and eating whatever I want, to my own detriment. And now its time for ACTION!!  

I have a plan for the next 12 weeks and beyond.  And I thought as a way to stay accountable to myself, I would post about it each week. I am calling it THE ACTION PLAN

In my Action Plan, I will be joining a local fitness transformation boot camp to loose 15kg.  I have also decided to withdraw from sugar completely (even though my one week challenge was a bit of a disaster!). So Fridays will become Fitness Friday and Saturdays will become Sugar-Free Saturday on my blog. Posting my progress will be a way of keeping myself on track - but feel free to encourage me if you like!!  he he he... Even better, you might want to join me for a 12 week ACTION PLAN of your own. 

It might be:

  • Giving up a habit like eating chocolate or drinking Coke everyday
  • Going for a walk or run 3 times a week
  • Establishing a quiet time each day...
The list is endless and feel free to be as creative as you like!!  Leave a comment below to let us know what you are committing to for 12 weeks so we can cheer each other on! 

This week's blog plan: 
Monday: Getting started on an ACTION PLAN
Tuesday: Thanksgiving Tuesday
Wednesday: Tools of the Trade: Resources to help you with an ACTION PLAN of your own
Thursday: See my BEFORE PHOTOS!!
Friday: Fitness Friday - an update on my fitness progress
Saturday: Sugar-Free Saturday - an update on my withdrawal from fructose

So - what will your ACTION PLAN be?