Monday, July 5, 2010

Admiring Mr. Awesome!

This week's Completing Him Challenge is to admire your husband. It is so easy for me to focus on all the things that didn't go my way, or to pick apart the tiniest of flaws.  Today I'm going to be counter-cultural and tell you some things I admire about my husband. 

Things I think are Awesome about Mr. Awesome!

His maniacal laugh, his faith, his gentleness, his serving nature, the way he just gets on and gets the job done, his jokes, the way he would do anything to see me smile, his independent spirit, the way that he supports me in anything I choose to do, his BBQ skills!, his patience, his sense of humour, his hugs, the sense of deep loyalty he has for those around him, the way her perseveres when things get tough, his sense of determination and the strength with which he undertakes hard tasks, the warmth he has in his eyes when he sees me, his amazing intelligence, his practicality, the way he grins... 

Mr. Awesome... I love you!

Demonstrating how to be a red STOP light man. 


  1. Hahaha that's a great photo. Love it how he puts so much oomph when telling a story or demonstrating something.

    It is so important to look for and praise the great things about your husband, it's so easy just to nitpick and whinge.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Praising God with you for our husbands!

    Join in the fun: HELLO, HANDSOME! Blog Party 30+ giveaways!

    Homemaker Honey

  3. Ha! Great pic! You have a really sweet list! <3
