It's laziness.
It's fear.
I think it might actually be sinful...
Monday afternoon will be my 'follow up' appiontment with the dietitian. The very expernsive dietitian. The dietitian that my doctor said 'Is good, but charges way too much.' The dietitian that is supposed to be helping me loose weight, feel great, and make babies...
Its been two months. Its already cost me gulp... over $300 dollars for the first two visits.
And I've wasted it.
I didn't follow the diet plan. I ate whatever I wanted. And even though I've been working out a lot, I have lost... nothing.
Nothing. Not a scrap in two months.
Its not that I don't believe it will work. In the two weeks that I first followed the eating plan carefully, I dropped two kilos straight away. (That's 4 1/2 pounds for our imperial friends). It works. I should actually be at my goal weight right now.
But I'm not. So what went wrong?
The Eating Plan Autopsy
1. No prayer. Nope, not one bit. I did this for myself, I thought nothing of committing this journey to God. "Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21 - I believe that when we don't include God in those plans, we have already failed.
2. No organisation. I did nothing to change the way our meals are organised. When I got busy in the morning, I didn't make lunch, so I would just buy... well... icecream mainly...
3. Hiding the plan and goal from others. In the past when loosing weight, I have told family and friends of my methods, and they have supported me by checking what food I can eat and serving good stuff when I eat with them. Less chance for cheating when others are watching...!
So. I start again. Not on Monday. Today. I have already wasted enough time and money. It's time to honour God with obedience.
What do you know you need to do and have all the tools to do, but hold back for fear and laziness? (Oh, please tell me someone else out there is like me!!).